
For the first time, I actually have a New Year’s Resolution.  Like many other bloggers, I’m eschewing making a whole long list of things I want to accomplish.  Instead, I am choosing to claim a word as mine and live to it for all of 2013.

After spending a great deal of time on my Christmas stay/sewcation, I learned something pivotal about myself.  And, unfortunately, that is I tend to be stingy.  Oh, I’m not stingy with my money, but I am stingy with my time.  I’m a recluse out of choice.

So, this year, I am choosing the word “Abundant” as a guideline.

Abundant in my praise.

Abundant in my love.

Abundant in my delight.

Abundant in my work.

Abundant in my time.

2013 will see me working towards sharing… abundantly.  Even when I’m feeling pinched and stingy.  Maybe, even, especially when I’m feeling pinched and stingy!

How about you?  Do you have a resolution or a word?

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

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