Something old, something new…

What do hollyhocks,

bleeding hearts,

and sweet peas have in common?

These are my favorite flowers from childhood.  My grandmother grew the sweet peas and bleeding hearts, and Mom always had hollyhocks up against the house.  They grew other flowers, too, but none were as pretty to me as these three.  I always promised myself that, should I ever actually have a garden, I would plant these three.

When I picked up the earth on Saturday, I also picked up sweet pea and hollyhock seeds, as well as three roots of bleeding hearts.  I know the hollyhocks won’t bloom this year, but I love the green on them!

That covers the old.  Now, to add the new.

When Mom was visiting last year, we dropped by the experimental farm and both really loved some of the ornamental grasses.  I’ve got ornamental corn and pampas grass seeding upstairs (though I’m not sure how the grass is really doing… I may have to get another pouch of seeds to throw in when I plant outside).  I’ve also picked up two other types of ornamental grass, so I’m well covered in that area!

I’m also the proud owner of four peony roots!  Peonies are probably my most favorite plant ever.  Like roses, but with full-blown abandon.  Peonies don’t care what others think, they just go full out.  (I’ll get tomato cages to house them in so the rains won’t completely crush them!)

To round out my garden shopping, I also purchased some poppy and amaranthus seeds.  I would have loved to get ferns and hostas, but I have no shade back there!

I have no idea how this is all going to come together.  I’m sort of taking a leap of faith that my work and the seeds won’t be wasted.   It’s really not a big space, so that’s all I’ll be purchasing this year – except for the mulch.  I guess I’ll have to do what farmers and gardeners have done forever… put it in the ground and pray!

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have. I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.