For the Garden – Tutorial Tuesday

I spent the majority of the Victoria Day Weekend getting my back yard into some semblance of shape.  There will be photos, of course, but that’s not what this post is about!

As you’ll see in the reveal, my backyard is a really simple and basic space.  A small patio, some plantings and very little else.  It will need ornamentation beyond the growing things.

Suzy from Worthington Court has a wonderful article about creating a wonderful outdoor space.  As time goes by, and I have less to do in the house, I’ll be using a few of her pointers.

Ellen from Ellen’s Creative Passage replaced her torn umbrella with a drop cloth.  Here’s the result!

Meredith from Wait Til Your Father Gets Home created a planter a whimsical, fun planter.  I think something like this is going to look terrific somewhere in my back yard!

Shelley from Sew and Dipity has a wonderful walkthrough on how to get your garden ready for planting.  I maybe should have read this last one BEFORE I got into the back yard!  Ah, well… I’ll know for next year!

I’m hoping to be able to show off my back yard/patio later in the week!  Stay tuned.

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.

Tutorial Tuesday

I’ve only recently discovered the fact that Pinterest  is much more than just an on-line, easily configurable photo album.  I may well be the last person in the known universe to realize that there are tutorials there as well.

In case I’m not alone in being a bit late to realize this, I’d like to share some gems I’ve found there recently.

Wouldn’t these eggs be cool for Easter?


I’m wondering if this bed would work in my guest room?


I’d probably never wear this as a headband, but it would make awesome curtain tiebacks!


I don’t have any brown paper bags on hand, but it would be worth saving them for this!

So, when you find your inspiration flagging, have a look at Pinterest.  You’ll never know what you’ll find.

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.

Tutorial Tuesdays

As February is now gone, the next event to celebrate will be St. Patrick’s Day!.  I’ve made a wreath for my door, and that’s about as far as I’ll be going this year.

However, for those who are going to REALLY be celebrating, here’s a few ideas.

Susan at Oh My Creative has some terrific looking beverages that are a far cry from green beer! 

Trish from Mom on Timeout has created this uber cute rainbow and pot of gold!

And Melysa from Moments with the Montanos has shared this lovely printable.

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.