Disappointing my Guru…

I started my back yard patio/garden with not just good intentions, but also with firm resolution.  I laid a patio, tilled the ground, added topsoil.  I started seedlings in the house and tended them carefully.  After I planted things, I hovered like a mother hen, plucking offending weeds and watering religiously….

Then life and summer hit.  It became not just warm, but HOT.  Scorchingly hot.  So hot that being outdoors drained me of any ability to DO anything.  I spent my summer in my air conditioned home.

And this is the result…

I know she’d be pleased that it’s growing…. but my failure to weed and control the Amaranthus would certainly not make her happy!

I think I need to weed this evening, when the temperature FINALLY drops below 30 degrees!

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.

An Almost Finished Back Yard!

With the exception of the mulching (which I ran out of!), the back yard is now finished.  Well… It’s ALMOST finished.   I wouldn’t mind putting in a few more plants.  The mulching needs completing and, of course, I’d like to decorate the space a little more thoroughly.

I’m really pleased with this space, though.  It’s been a lot of work (those concrete pavers are HEAVY!), and I think it’s going to be well worth it.

Here’s what it started as…

It’s not a large space.  But it still took some SERIOUS work to get it to look like this…

I’m really looking forward to sitting out here with a cup of coffee or a glass of sweet tea!

five days five ways  feature friday free for allChic on a Shoestring Decorating

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I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.

Victoria Day Weekend – Day 2

For the first time in ages, I woke up early on a weekend morning!  At 7:30, I scrubbed the sleep from my eyes and poured my first coffee.  The nicest thing about being up was being able to catch up on my blog and email reading before I headed outside to till the planting areas.

When I purchased 15 bags of dirt, I honestly thought I had purchased a bit too much.

I was wrong.  Sooooo wrong. Continue reading

Victoria Day Weekend – Day 1

Saturday began with a nice, long, sleep in!  I guess I needed to catch up on myself before I got to the things I really wanted to do!

Since I had slept in and missed part of the morning, I decided to have a coffee of two in leisure… which I did.

Finally, I got to the outside.  During the hottest part of the day, of all times.  What was I thinking? Continue reading

We kicked sod!

Well, my sister Carolyn did, anyway.  Literally.  The sod in my back yard was so poorly laid that kicking it raised large portions.  The rest we pulled by hand.  I bagged up the sod once she liberated it from the soil.

Many bags later, and my sister KNOWING exactly where her quads were (and not overjoyed by that knowledge), my back yard looks like this.

Officially grass free.

This little guy came to visit.  I’m not sure WHERE he found the nut!

Now to work on leveling it out for a patio!

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by!

Fabric to the rescue!

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the projects that bring me the most rewarding feelings – whether it be in the planning, the doing or the enjoying afterward.  I know for some, paint is the answer to any question.  For me, it’s fabric and fibres (yarns, etc).

There’s really no surprise in that.  My Mom is a long time seamstress turned quilter.  Both of my Grandmother’s knit and crochet things of great beauty – and warmth!  My Dad is a knitter.  His Dad knew his way around a sewing machine, as well.

I started knitting when I was 18.  For about 15 years I designed and knit pretty much anything.  I used to joke with the Ogre that I could knit a couch!  I probably could, but can’t see any reason to, though.

I had to stop knitting, due to the repetitiveness of the motion.  I was experiencing too much physical discomfort in my arms, shoulders and neck.

So, I started sewing.  First by machine, then by hand.  I love working with fabric.  Feeling it in my hands as I hand sew is a relaxing, zen thing for me.  Most of my sewing is done by hand.  (I own two machines, but prefer my little needle and thread!).  I began belly dancing, and the costuming for that was exciting and thrilling.  There’s something so wonderful about taking a floppy piece of fabric and turning it into a bedlah (bra and belt) or circle skirt.

When we started planning for this move, I put my needle and fabric away for a while.  Walls need painting, furniture needs refinishing…  sewing and beading just had to be put on the back burner for a while.

Of course, I did do a bench cushion for the mudroom.  And a curtain panel for the doorway leading to the basement.  Now I’m working on some curtains for the patio door.

But I have an idea percolating in the back of my brain.  A way to use fabric to shore up the wood working skills I don’t have.  I’m hoping to experiment with that this coming weekend.  I’ll keep you posted.

I will tell you, though, that it has something to do with this lovely…

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.

Something old, something new…

What do hollyhocks,

bleeding hearts,

and sweet peas have in common?

These are my favorite flowers from childhood.  My grandmother grew the sweet peas and bleeding hearts, and Mom always had hollyhocks up against the house.  They grew other flowers, too, but none were as pretty to me as these three.  I always promised myself that, should I ever actually have a garden, I would plant these three.

When I picked up the earth on Saturday, I also picked up sweet pea and hollyhock seeds, as well as three roots of bleeding hearts.  I know the hollyhocks won’t bloom this year, but I love the green on them!

That covers the old.  Now, to add the new.

When Mom was visiting last year, we dropped by the experimental farm and both really loved some of the ornamental grasses.  I’ve got ornamental corn and pampas grass seeding upstairs (though I’m not sure how the grass is really doing… I may have to get another pouch of seeds to throw in when I plant outside).  I’ve also picked up two other types of ornamental grass, so I’m well covered in that area!

I’m also the proud owner of four peony roots!  Peonies are probably my most favorite plant ever.  Like roses, but with full-blown abandon.  Peonies don’t care what others think, they just go full out.  (I’ll get tomato cages to house them in so the rains won’t completely crush them!)

To round out my garden shopping, I also purchased some poppy and amaranthus seeds.  I would have loved to get ferns and hostas, but I have no shade back there!

I have no idea how this is all going to come together.  I’m sort of taking a leap of faith that my work and the seeds won’t be wasted.   It’s really not a big space, so that’s all I’ll be purchasing this year – except for the mulch.  I guess I’ll have to do what farmers and gardeners have done forever… put it in the ground and pray!

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have. I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday Fangles – Patio Style!

In the last two weeks, I managed score a few pieces for the beautiful (a girl can dream!) patio I’m planning.

At Salvation Army, I found this table with two chairs…

The only things these pieces need is a good scrub.  And, of course, cushions for the chairs.

But curb shopping took care of the cushions for me…

Not the colors I’m planning on going with, but a coat or two of Krylon Fusion spray paint will fix that!  I’m not worried about the feel… they already feel plastic-y.  The’ve gotten a good wash and have dripped dry, so they’re ready to be redone.

The last item I found was also at the curb… and I even drove around the block to approach it from a better angle!

She’s in really bad shape, I’m afraid.  I think I can salvage the back, but the seat slats will HAVE to be replaced.  Not only are they worn and rotting, the very back one is broken.

But the iron is beautiful.  Here’s a glimpse of detail…

Isn’t she beautiful?  She’s going to be wonderful when she’s refinished.

Total for this weeks’ haul…. $20 for the table and two chairs.  And a few more projects for my list!

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.

Back Yard Design…

I measured my back yard on the weekend.  Honestly, people have bigger living rooms than this!  The total square footage is 323 sq feet – 19′ running the width of my townhouse and 17′ from the building to the gate.

The down side of this is that there’s only so many things I can do here.  The up side is there’s only so many things I can do here!    That’s not as contradictory as you might think.  You see, if I take my time and come up with a plan, I can have everything I want.  If, however, I get caught up in the “we could do this… or this… or this…”, I’ll be left with the same messy space at the end of the summer!

I sat myself down and asked myself what I want in this space.  How will I use it?

My self thought about it for a bit, and decided it wants a place for 1-3 people to enjoy as a relaxation spot.  A spot where the Ogre and I can share a cup of coffee at dusk, where a girl friend or two can sit with me and bask in the sun with a glass of sweet tea, where I can sit and enjoy the view.  That’s all.  No large parties, no grand scale anything.  Just a cozy green space with the ocassional bloom and scent to enjoy.

The patio faces pretty much due south – that’s the 19′ fence with a gate.  East and west are both 17′ walls.  The walls closest to the house are about 6-7′ tall, while the fence at the end of the space is 4′ or so. I haven’t yet gauged the sun and shadow, so I’m not sure about plantings yet, but I do want ALL of those fences covered with green.  Not necessarily blooming climbers, but green.  Something that will enclose the space, but also expand it by visually implying that there is more green behind it all.

I’ve spent the last week or so thinking about the space.  I’m fortunate in that the previous tenants had over half of the space covered in pavers, so I have lots of options for making an actual patio space.  Due to the size of the “room”, I’ve decided on a small dining area of 8’X10′.  Just enough space for a 3′ glass topped table with two chairs and an umbrella.  I found the table and chairs at the Salvation Army ($20!!!) and got four chair pads from the curb.  The chair pads have gotten a thorough washing (2 at a time in the washing machine), and are ready for a coat of spray paint to freshen them up.  I’m not worried about the texture, since outdoor fabric tends to feel plastic-y anyway.

Across the room, I’ll have a 4 foot garden bench in iron and wood.  I picked up the bench from the curb on my way home one day.  It needs new wood and a lot of TLC, but I think it’s going to be a terrific addition when it’s done.

That’s it for furniture.  I’m not even concerned with a barbecue, since we don’t own one right now.  I’ll worry about placement for that when the time comes.

I’ve taken a little bit of time to create a floorplan.  It’s not elaborate or exciting, but it does show what I’m hoping to achieve.  The orange area will be mulch.  The light grey is concrete tile.

Even though it’s a small space, I definitely want it to have a bit of variety.  That’s why I’ve got plans for planting around the patio and the walkway, as well as having the patio off to one side, but not against the wall.

The rest of the planning will be plants.  I’ve got several catalogues coming in the mail to peruse and study, and I’ll be watching for the sun/shade out there.  It was a bit too cloudy to gauge that last weekend, so I’ll try again on Saturday.

If you are a gardener, feel free to post any ideas or suggestions!  Honestly, even with my friend’s help, I’m gonna need a lot of support for this!

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.

Taking time to plan.

We’ve been in this townhouse for two full months now, though I’ve been preparing for the move since November (which gives a 5 month time period).  Sometimes it feels like I’ve been running from project to project, room to room, idea to idea without taking time to savor anything.  There’s always so much left to do, and so much I’d like to accomplish that I’ve been starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.  Of course, it doesn’t really help that we’re moving into busy season at work.  Or that this last week of beautiful weather made me realize that there’s yet another room for me to get done!

I’ve never had a garden or even used any patio or decks attached to our rentals.  Ever.  As a couple, we are just not outdoor people.  As an individual, I’ve always been too busy to “take time to sit” in the great outdoors.  Something’s shifted for me, though.  As I walk or drive home, my back yard beckons to me and there is a part of me that’s getting very excited about being able to spend time in a green space.  Quietly, with a book.  Puttering with a trowel.  Calmly with a cool drink.  Exuberantly with a friend or two!

The only difficulty is that I don’t have a green space.  Yet.  And that’s the “yet another room” that has pushed me into overwhelm.  Between my ignorance and inexperience, I’m going to try to turn this…

Into a space inspired by these…

Source: canadiangardening.com via Chaisson on Pinterest

Source: houzz.com via Chaisson on Pinterest

The only thing that’s allowing me to think I can do this is that I have a gardening friend.  Without her, I’d simply settle for patio stones and cheap plastic furniture – which I would never, ever use.

Just as in any other room, I want this one to be done right.  And that means I need a plan.  Since my friend Roxane  is going to help me with plant type and placement, I’m going to concentrate on the physical layout of this room.  (Working to my strengths, in a manner of speaking!)

I’ve decided to take this week to plan.  I’ve formulated a plan for my living room projects here.  I’ll probably do something very similar for the patio.

I’d really love to see your comments on the projects I do and the ideas I have.  I learn more from critiques than praise, but, honestly, I adore praise (and who doesn’t?).

Thanks for stopping by.